Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ultrasound Time!

I'm not a huge fan of New Year's resolutions, but this year I did try to set some personal and professional goals for myself. One of them was to try and write a blog post a week. Here we are, on the afternoon of January 11th, and I am getting around to my first one of the year. You can see why I am not a fan of New Year's resolutions...
Anyway, right before the holidays, I had my 20 week ultrasound appointment. This is the hour-long one where they take all the measurements, etc. and firm up a due date. When we went to this appointment with Hattie, they ended up pushing my due date back 2 weeks based on how small she was measuring, so we were excited to see what would happen at this one! 

In the end, all is well! Baby is growing right on track, and my due date is 5/11/15 (Note: Mother's Day this year is 5/10/15- and wouldn't a baby make a cool Mother's Day gift????) Normally, the 20 week ultrasound is the one and only peek we'd get at baby, but because I'm "OLD," I get a follow-up ultrasound in 8 weeks... and I'm a little excited! 

Here are a few pictures: 

 Profile of baby's face (check out those cheeks already!) 

 Another profile picture

The famous "Skeletor" face picture!