Yup. By now I'm sure you've seen our announcement...
we're excited to announce Baby #4 is due in May 2015!
After a rough few weeks (being overwhelmed with my new job coupled with absolute first-trimester exhaustion), I am thrilled to finally be able to share our secret and enter the "feeling-so-much-better-and-able-to-start-wearing-maternity-pants-because-its-no-longer-a-secret" second trimester. YAY! (this also kind of my excuse for not blogging since... August???)
Because I'm 36, I'm categorized as "advanced maternal age" with this pregnancy. Other than sitting down with a genetic counselor to be told my chance of having a baby with a genetic disorder has increased (gasp!) POINT ZERO FOUR OF A PERCENT since my last pregnancy three years ago, there is the added bonus of increased fetal monitoring- which simply means I get more ultrasounds and we get to see our baby more often! So far, so good. Baby is measuring well... my lab work was all normal... so far, so good.
Now, bear with me for a mini-rant.
I have ALWAYS wanted a large family. Dan was more of a 2.5 kids kind of a guy. Marriage is about compromise. We also had to figure in obvious "real life" factors, like money, space, and our age. With that said, we came to the decision that we were going to try for another baby.
Another baby.
NOT a boy. A baby.
We did this knowing that the chances of having a fourth little girl are pretty great. And you know what? We're totally OK with that. I KNEW the moment we announced this pregnancy, we'd be bombarded with comments like "Trying for that boy?" and "Maybe you'll get your boy this time!" And, well... I had to push my hormones aside and realize that all those comments are coming from a good place... from well-meaning, happy-for-us friends. Sigh.....
Would Dan and I be completely over the moon thrilled to have a little boy in our house?
Will Dan and I be completely over the moon thrilled to bring home ANOTHER little pink bundle from the hospital?
To say that we did this as one last attempt for a boy... well, it kinda takes away from the awesomeness that is our little girls, no?
What kind of message is that sending to my girls? "I think you're great, but we really wanted a boy, so we kept trying... and trying...." Um, nope.
What I HOPE it's saying to our little girls is, "Mom and dad thought you were so incredible that we wanted to have that experience again... and again...and again."