Dan will never admit it, but I know that there is a small (?) part of him that desperately wished for a boy each time.... Growing up in a house full of boys, I am enjoying every second of being a mom of 2 little girls! God sure knew what he was doing, though. He didn't send us a boy the second time. He sent us LUCY.
Lately, she has been showing her true colors- Since she has started crawling about 3 weeks ago, WATCH OUT! Nothing stops that girl... she is in everything, goes everywhere, and if it doesn't work the first time, gosh darnit, she will try it again and again and again until she gets what she wants! And (much like her Unky Doug) has quite the impish grin when she gets caught- you just can't get mad! Here's the first of what we are sure will be MANY posts of Lucy's "shenanigans!" Just wait until she starts walking- Aghh!
Hey, look what I can do!
Hi dad!
Dad's shoes!
She thought she was SOOOO cool when she saw us while peeking through the French doors!
Lucy in the hood!
Escaping while getting her diaper changed....
Hmmm... what can I get into next?
Remember that "impish" look referred to earlier?
Mmmm.... Ah ha ha ha! (Lucy's "evil" laugh...)
Who? Me?